What Every Chicken Needs Raising chickens seems fairly simple, right? Well, yes, that’s actually mostly true (assuming you’re prepared to do some work now and then). But with chickens come needs, as with any animal you’re caring for. What does every chicken need to be happy and healthy? It may sound obvious, but here is what every chicken needs. Warm Coop/Housing Chickens like space to run around, but they need a safe place to return to for roosting every night or while laying. Inside that coop then you’ll want to make sure there are comfortable nesting boxes set up to allow the chickens to lay to their heart’s content. However, just because you provide nests doesn’t mean you’re done. Every coop should also have a roosting bar placed high up. Not all chickens will want to roost high up, but it’s good to give the option as chickens in the wild generally prefer to sleep in trees and such. The importance of the coop is magnified during the various seasons. If it’s cold ou
FAHAMU KUHUSU DUME LA SUNGURA LA MBEGU. Dume la Sungura linauwezo wa kutumika vizuri kwa kupandisha majike ya sungura baada ya miezi 8. Kabla ya kutimiza mwaka 1 Anaweza kupanda sungura jike 1 kila baada ya siku 3 au 4. Na baada ya kufikia umri wa miezi 12 (mwaka1) na zaidi anauwezo wa kutumika kupandisha majike 4-6 ndani ya siku 7 (wiki1). Sungura madume waliozeeka wwnye umri kuanzia miaka 6 na zaidi hawatakiwi kutumika kwenye uzalishaji kwani ubora wa nguvu zao hupungua kufikia umri huo. Kitalaam unashauriwa kuhakikisha sungura wako wa mbegu anapata nyongeza ya chakula chenye virutubisho aina ya protein, Vitamini na Madini ili kuwafanya wawe na afya nzuri wakati wote. Pia unashauriwa kutowwka madume ya mbegu zaidi ya mmoja ndani chumba au banda moja kwa sababu madume wanatabia ya kupigana na kuumizana vibaya pindi wanapokaa pamoja. by Dr Riziki Ngogo FARMERS Platform 0763222500 0652515242 Follow zaidi http://www.afyamifugo.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook